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King Menes {Narmer}

King Menes {Narmer} - Marvelous Egypt Tour

Who is King Menes?

"King Menes" is the founder of the 1st dynasty in the history of ancient Egypt and the last king of the predynastic period (6000-3150 BCE). In 3150 B.C, he was able to unify both upper and lower Egypt as shown on the legendary Narmer Palette. His name means "The One Who Endures" and his reign lasted for 62 years. He married a princess to consolidate his power, princess Neithhotep of Naqada. Many believe he inherited the throne from the god of victory and protection Horus.


Egypt During the Era of King Menes

King Menes {Narmer} Facts - Marvelous Egypt Tour Before that period Egypt was divided into two kingdoms; Upper Egypt in the South and Lower Egypt in the north, and there was a crowned king for each part and a series of wars between them, until "King Menes" the king of lower Egypt put an end to that and defeated the king of upper Egypt and crowned himself as a king of the two lands both upper and lower Egypt and created the first centralized monarchy. After the unification of both lands, "King Narmer" changed the capital of Egypt to be in Abydos. He sends many military expeditions all across Egypt and neighboring countries such as Cannan and Nubia. He built new cities like the city of Memphis, a new wave of urbanization spread through ancient Egypt and a great deal of attention was put to developing the art of writing. He is noted for developing the notion of luxury as the Egyptians created many lavish hobbies to fill their time after uniting the land such as sports, brewing beer, carving, sculpting, cultivating gardens, and various others.


What is Narmer Palettes?

"King Menes" commemorated the victory of upper Egypt over lower Egypt in his famous pallet which called Narmer Palette which is made out of shiest and discovered from Hyracnopolice {El Kom El Ahmar } about 22 Km East of Cairo. This palette has been transferred to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo then moved to the Grand Egyptian Museum so start your trip to Egypt by visiting the museum and watching the palette.


What is King Narmer's Palette Consists of?